
Julia Wang

ADMITTED  2014    BAR  2021

CLERK CONTACT  03 9225 7999
PHONE  9225 7999

Julia  Wang, BCL (Dist); LLB (Hons); BSc


  • Administrative Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Constitutional
  • Contract
  • Coronial Inquests
  • Criminal Law
  • Employment / Industrial
  • Equity / Equitable Relief / Trusts
  • Media
  • Native Title
  • Public Law




Julia has a broad practice that includes commercial law, criminal law and public law.

Since coming to the Bar, Julia has been regularly briefed to advise and appear in trials and appeals, both led and unled. Recent matters in which Julia has appeared include:

  • Farm Transparency International Ltd v New South Wales [2022] HCA 23 – constitutional law (led by S Donaghue QC, Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth, with T Wood)
  • Azizi v Director of Public Prosecutions [2022] VSCA 71 – proceeds of crime; statutory interpretation (led by Dr P T Vout QC)
  • Re HEST Australia Ltd [2021] VSC 809 – trusts and superannuation (led by P H Solomon QC, with J A G McComish)
  • Director of Public Prosecutions v Bowen (2021) 65 VR 385; [2021] VSCA 355 – appeal against sentence (led by C B Boyce QC)
  • Director of Public Prosecutions v Tullipan (a pseudonym) [2021] VSCA 191 – appeal against sentence (led by B Kissane QC)
  • Davey v Northern Territory (Federal Court) – native title compensation claim (led by S A Glacken QC)
  • Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth) v Story [2022] VCC 1000 – insider trading (led by C J Winneke QC)
  • Director of Public Prosecutions (Cth) v Campbell [2021] VCC 1839 – insider trading (led by S Moglia)

Julia was an Associate to the Hon Justice Nettle AC in the High Court in 2018 and to the Hon Chief Justice Warren AC in the Supreme Court in 2015 to 2016.

Julia was previously a Principal Solicitor at the Office of Public Prosecutions, where she had carriage of criminal and quasi-criminal matters in the County Court, Supreme Court and High Court. She also practised as a solicitor in the Litigation and Victoria Police branches of the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office.

Julia holds a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Statistics) and a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours; Supreme Court Prize) from the University of Melbourne. She also holds a Bachelor of Civil Law (Distinction) from the University of Oxford. She has lectured in Remedies and Torts in the JD program at Melbourne Law School.

Julia is a reporter for the Commonwealth Law Reports and the Victorian Reports.

Julia read with Kateena O’Gorman and her senior mentor is Rowena Orr QC, Solicitor-General for the State of Victoria.

From 7 May 2021, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.