ADMITTED 2017 BAR 2023
CLERK CONTACT 03 9225 7999
PHONE 9225 7509
MOBILE 0448 664 712
EMAIL hdaniel@vicbar.com.au
ENQUIRIES: dever@vicbar.com.au
Hayley has a broad practice in insurance, administrative and common law matters, with a specialty and significant experience in health and medical law.
Before coming to the Bar, Hayley spent more than a decade working for and with insurers across a range of areas, including aviation, maritime, life and disability insurance, public liability and professional indemnity. She has an extensive and intimate knowledge as to the workings of insurers and the unique challenges insurance litigation entails. She regularly provided advice as to indemnity, coverage and policy interpretation.
Most recently, Hayley was a Senior Associate at Australia’s largest medical defence organisation. She had carriage of a vast range of matters, acting on behalf of doctors and health practitioners across civil claims, regulatory investigations, coronial inquests and commercial disputes. Through this work, she developed a subspeciality in plastic & reconstructive surgery matters, bariatric claims and the regulation of cosmetic medicine.
Hayley regularly presents at medical Colleges and Societies to discuss the evolving health landscape.
Hayley holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Biomedical Science from Monash University. Her biomedical science qualifications give her an advantage and insight into medical issues and otherwise has assisted her in honing a highly forensic, worldly approach to all her matters.
In addition to her background in insurance litigation, Hayley has a particular interest in sports law, healthcare regulation and bioethics.
Hayley is reading with Ben Jellis and her Senior Mentor is Dr Michael Rush KC.
Her recent cases include:
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.